15th November 2023 16:00 – 18:00
Let’s inspiring positive change!
Let’s inspiring positive change! In the Mediterranean, the integration of women in the economy remains an
unfinished business. Inequalities affecting women in the business sector have deep roots, ranging from cultural
factors to insufficient support for women-led businesses, the lack of policy frameworks to address the gender
gap and the challenge of promoting work-family reconciliation, among others.
Mediterranean women entrepreneurs demanding better opportunities and better access to financing help
ensure a more equitable and sustainable business ecosystem.
- Gain the latest market intelligence.
- Make valuable connections across industries.
- Share your own industry experiences, expertise and know-hows during interactive panel, discussions and Q&A sessions.
- Identify resources and value additions to grow into the future.
- Discuss challenges for women entrepreneurs and ways to overcome them.
- Join the Mediterranean Entrepreneurs Women Forum
- The XV Mediterranean Women Entrepreneur Forum, bring together leading businesswomen, global leaders, partners from the private and public sector and entrepreneurs from across the Mediterranean.
Key words
gender gap,
financement, start-ups,
women-led businesses,
youth, leadership,
innovation, B2B
- Speakers invited
- Welcome Session
- Session 1 - A Balance of power: women in leadership positions 16:30h – 17:00h
- Session 2 - Women entrepeneur 17:00h – 17:30h
- Session 3 - The financial challenge 17:30h – 18:00h
- Session 4 - young women transforming the Mediterranean start-up scene 18:00h – 18:30h
- B2B Cocktail- Afterwork 18:30h – 19:00 h
Ms.María Helena de Felipe
President Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen OrganizationsAFAEMME (Spain)
Ms.Eva Borràs
General ManagerChamber of Commerce from Barcelona –CAMBRA
Hrbl. SraNatàlia Mas Guix
Minister of EconomyCatalan Government
Mr.Ahmed M. El Wakil
President Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce & Industry, ASCAMEASCAME
Ms.Berta Perez
International DirectorChamber of Commerce of Barcelona
Ms.Anna Dorangricchia
Manager Programmer Gender EqualityUFM (Spain)
Ms.Val Díez
President of the Commission of Equality and DiversityCEOE (Spain)
Ms.Betül Sezgin
President of Businesswomen
Association from Izmir -IZIKAD-
(Turkey)Izmir (Turkey)
Ms.Gemma Aubarell
Director of GenderIEMED (Spain)
Ms.Marta Turk
President of Slovenian Community of Women EntrepreneurZAVOD META (Slovenia)
Ms.Rim Siam
President Economic Businesswomen CouncilAlexandria Chamber of Commerce (Egypt)
Ms.Takwa Mrabet
Fundraising DirectorBUSINESSMED (Tunisia)
Ms.Karima Bergheul
President Women in Green EconomyAFEV (Algeria)
Ms.Sila Gok
Vice-PresidentKAGIDER (Turkey)
Ms.Rachida Jebnoun
PresidentCIFE (Tunisia)
Ms.Elisabeth Trallero
International Relations Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen
OrganizationsAFAEMME (Spain)
Ms.Rym Ayadi
Founder and President of the Euro Mediterranean Economist AssociationEMEA (Belgium)
Ms.Doris Sammut
Vice-President Equality Group in the European and Economic and Social CommitteeE.E.S.C-(Malta)
Ms.Néjia Gharbi
CEOCaisse de Dépots et des Consignations CDC (Tunisie)
Ms.Maria Lago
General DirectorARMANEXT (Spain)
Ms.Noha Shaker
Secretary GeneralEgyptian Fintech Association and Vice President of the Africa FinTech Network
Ms.Marta Maiques
Communicator Manager of the Federation of Mediterranean
Businesswomen OrganizationsAFAEMME (Spain)
Ms.Amina Magouri
PresidentSALMA DIALOGUES (Tunisia)
Ms.Laura Llinás
Executive Coordinador ODEECambra de Comerç Barcelona (Spain)
Ms.Estefania González
Vice President AIJEC, Association Young Entrepreneurs – Foment delTreball (Spain)
Dr.Julia Wolny
Associate Professor at EADA Business School and member of the EADA’s Sustainability Hub EADA Business School
María Helena de Felipe | President Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen Organizations – AFAEMME (Spain)
Eva Borràs | General Manager Chamber of Commerce from Barcelona –CAMBRA (Spain)
Najoua Attia | Co-President Women Entrepreneurs Commission – ASCAME (Tunisia)
Natàlia Mas |Minister of Economy of the Catalan Government (Spain)
16:30h – 17:00h
A talk bringing together business leaders to discuss strategies for empowering more women to reach senior management and leadership positions in the wider Mediterranean region. The session will introduce to the audience the power of female entrepreneurship, with a focus on the influence of women entrepreneurs from the Mediterranean region.
Moderator: Berta Perez | International Director Chamber of Commerce from Barcelona (Spain)
Keynote speaker: Anna Dorangricchia| Manager Programmer Gender Equality – UPM (Spain)
Val Díez | President of the Commission of Equality and Diversity – CEOE ( Spain)
Lina Tsaltampasi | President Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs – SEGE (Greece)
Amany Asfour | President of Federation of Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa – COMESA (Egypt)
Gemma Aubarell | Director of Gender – IEMED (Spain)
Rosa Romá| President Catalan Corporation of Media Audio-Visuals – CCMA (Spain)
The panel will showcase institutions and programs in the Mediterranean region that have developed innovative solutions to help women entrepreneurs overcome financing, market, and policy barriers to grow their business.
Moderator: Rim Siam | President Economic Businesswomen Council – ALEXANDRIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Egypt)
Keynote speaker: Takwa Mrabet | Fundraising Director – BUSINESSMED (Tunisia)
Karima Bergheul | President Women in Green Economy – AFEV (Algeria)
Farida Al Awadhi | President UEA Emirates Businesswomen Council – EBWC (UEA)
Sila Gok| Vice-President – KAGIDER (Turkey)
Rachida Jebnoun | President – CIFE (Tunisia)
This panel will include multilateral development banks, regulators, financial institutions, and international bodies that promote women’s financial inclusion. They will share their experiences in tracking gender disaggregated data. They will also discuss potential mechanisms to bring together investors, regulators, and financial institutions to accelerate lending to women-led firms, as well as issues around definitions of women-owned and led enterprises and harmonization of reporting. The goal of the panel is to spur collective action and challenge the regional and international financial community to commit to tracking and growing financing to women. Participants will continue collaborating on improving data collection to drive more rapid and systematic scaling-up of financing to women-led SMEs.
It will also answer a key question: how to get funded? The panel will provide entrepreneurs with insights from seed and VC investors across the Mediterranean, and help start-ups understand what investors are looking for at various stage of company maturity.
Moderator: Elisabeth Trallero | International Relations Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen Organizations – AFAEMME (Spain)
Keynote speaker: Rym Ayadi | Founder and President of the Euro Mediterranean Economist Association – EMEA (Belgium)
Doris Sammut | Vice-President Equality Group in the European and Economic and Social Committee – E.E.S.C-(Malta)
Blanca Sorigué | Managing Director – CONSORCI DE LA ZONA FRANCA de Barcelona -CZFB (Spain)
Maria Lago | General Director -ARMANEXT (Spain)
A talk about the power of the Mediterranean’s young generation, as a crucial force to create opportunities across the region and to attract future foreign investment. We need them to participate actively in the economic development of their countries and the creation of a more diverse and inclusive society.
Moderator: Marta Maiques | Communicator Manager of the Federation of Mediterranean Businesswomen Organizations – AFAEMME (Spain)
Keynote speaker: Amina Magouri | President SALMA DIALOGUES (Tunisia)
Laura LLinás | Executive Coordinador ODEE, Cambra de Comerç Barcelona (Spain)
Maria Mora | Director of Innovation FOMENT DEL TREBALL (Spain)
Charlotte Gregory| President of the Malta Association of Women in Business (Malta)
Reinforce the connections made during the day, close business deals and expand your network while enjoying the inspiring venue of La Llotja de Mar.