29th October 2024 9:00 – 10:30
Official Opening
We begin with a welcome address from the organizers and institutional collaborators of MedaWeek 2024, who will set the stage for our event, highlighting the importance of the Mediterranean region in the global context and the key themes we will explore over the next few days.
Our event will cover a wide range of topics crucial to the Mediterranean region, including sustainable development, economic growth, technological innovation, and cultural exchange. We will have panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions designed to foster dialogue and partnerships.
During the opening session, we will also make some special announcements regarding new initiatives, partnerships, and projects that will be launched during the event. These announcements will highlight our commitment to driving progress and innovation in the Mediterranean region.
Ahmed El Wakil
President ASCAME
Senén Florensa
Executive President IEMED
Hassan El Khatib
Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Egypt
Anwar Zibaoui
General Coordinator ASCAME
Nasser Kamel
General Secretary Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
Jordi Valls i Riera
Quart tinent d’alcaldia, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Josep Santacreu
President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the General Council of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia, and Vice President of ASCAME
Lluïsa Moret Sabidó
Presidenta, Diputació de Barcelona
Prime Minister, Lebanon
Pere Navarro
Special Delegate Consorci Zona Franca Barcelona (CZF)
Salvador Illa
President de la Generalitat de Catalunya