29th October 2024 10:30 – 11:30

Mediterranean Anual Economic Report

Investment Gaps and Economic Outlook in an Era of Transitions in the Mediterranean Region

Resumen: The Mediterranean region, a vital trade and cultural hub, is grappling with political instability, climate change, and social tensions. Closing investment gaps, particularly in green energy, infrastructure, human capital, and technology, is essential to fostering a resilient and sustainable future. Despite some economic recovery, the outlook remains uncertain due to fiscal constraints and structural inefficiencies. Addressing these challenges requires bold investment strategies, public-private partnerships, and a united effort to secure peace and stability.

I la sessió que vam publicar ahir dins de NOW&NEW, hauriem de deixar el mateix text però treure alguns dels pilars, de manera que quedi així:

Based on the current Mediterranean economy pillars and projected objectives for 2035, this presentation outlines the main issues addressing the key socio-economic and environmental challenges facing the drive to secure growth and enhanced resilience.

In order to effectively navigate the complexities of the Mediterranean socio-economic landscape, the primary challenge for stakeholders is to establish a cohesive strategic framework that fosters sustainable development priorizing sustainability and innovation, while offering actionable insights to secure long-term prosperity.

Salvador Illa

Ministry of Health, Government of Spain (Special Guest Speaker)

Enric Mayolas

Consulting Director, World Health Management (Moderator)

Gonzalo Fanjul

Policy Director, Institut Salut Global

Chakib Abouzaid

Secretary General, General Arab Insurance Federation


Rym Ayadi

President EMEA – Euro Mediterranean Economists Association

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