Blue business tools for SMEs

The second phase of the BLUE GROWTH COMMUNITY project was launched almost two years ago. Numerous activities related to community building, transferring, mainstreaming and strategic liaising have been implemented so far.

The thematic working groups are being set up through the Marina Platform and starting to work on the actual transfer and mainstreaming of the community’s tools, with special focus on Blue Economy.

This is a crucial period for the community considering the current transition to the upcoming Interreg Euro-MED programme and the recent release of the European Commission’s Communication on a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU Transforming the EU’s Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future.

It is therefore the right time to reflect on current and future challenges related to the development of a sustainable Blue Economy. In this context, in the framework of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders – MedaWeek Barcelona, the Community is organising a mid-term Conference, with the aim to present the main results coming from the MED Blue Growth Projects to the participating Mediterranean private sector.

For this reason, we are certain that this is the right scenario for experts and companies participating in the MED Blue Growth Projects, to share their experiences and best practices to the Mediterranean Blue Economy sector and to put in common the possibilities of investment and economic development offered by the Sustainable Blue Economy.  

 The expected outputs are as follows:

  • Contribute to Blue Growth Community’s twofold capitalisation objective (namely mainstreaming and strategic liaising) by promoting the transfer and capitalisation of the jointly elaborated tools/measures and results, that explicitly target collective territorial appropriation and ownership.
  • Consolidate the results achieved through the thematic working groups, mainly, on Blue Economy.
  • Promote the Statement on how the BGC can contribute to achieving the objectives set by the European Commission in its Communication on a Sustainable Blue Economy.
  • Foster an active participation/involvement of the private sector, especially SMEs and Clusters in the transferring and capitalisation results from the Med Blue Growth projects.

    The meeting will be held in English, with interpretation from and into English, French and Spanish.


    19th November 2021

    15:00 - 16:30


    Mid Term Conference

    15:00 – 15:20 – Welcome address


    • Caterina Praticó | Lead beneficiary representative of the Blue Growth Community project, CoNISMA
    • Catherine Frideres | Senior Manager, BlueInvest PwC
    • Maria Groueva | Project Officer, Interreg MED programme- Joint Secretariat
    • Carmen Renovell | Project Oficer, CEEI Valencia. Blue Deal project partner

    15:20 – 15:50- Session 1: Innovative Blue Funding & Business Solutions

    Moderator: Varvara Bougiouri, MSc Chemical Engineer, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National technical University of Athens, NTUA


    • Emanuele Troli, Head of BLU MARINE SERVICE SOC COOP (Italy), SME participated in the 4helix+ (Voucher Scheme)
    • Ioannis Ioannou, Representative of SYNDESEAS (Cyprus), SME participated in the Blue Crowdfunding project (crowdfunding campaign)
    • Fabio Bignolini, Representative of Northern Light S.r.l. (Italy), SME participated in the Mistral Business Plan competition

    Questions & answers

    15:50 – 16:15 – Session 2: Sustainable Blue Economy

    Moderator: Valentina Russo, Project & Policy Officer, IrRADIARE, Science for evolution.


    • Joao Rito, Founding partner, SEAentia (Portugal), SME participated in the BLUEfasma project (Circular Economy Assessment Tool)
    • Sabrina Palmieri, Responsible, Ecocean, SME participated in the Psamides project (Coaching programme for SMEs)

    Questions & answers

    Closing words

    Luis Miranda | Project Manager, Projects & International Cooperation Area, ASCAME



    Salvador Illa

    Ministry of Health, Government of Spain (Special Guest Speaker)

    Enric Mayolas

    Consulting Director, World Health Management (Moderator)

    Gonzalo Fanjul

    Policy Director, Institut Salut Global

    Chakib Abouzaid

    Secretary General, General Arab Insurance Federation

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