Health & Care Together: From Vision to Reality

The Mediterranean Healthcare Forum sits at the heart of the Mediterranean healthcare scene. This event gathers some of the most influential public and private leaders on the field from Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa serving as a meeting point for networking, growth and development, sharing knowledge and discussing the latest healthcare trends.
By 2050, the world will be the home of 10 billion human beings and the average age of the global population will be much older than it is now. In fact, two out five people will be over 60 years old, in addition to 434 million of people above 80 years old. This combination of exponential population growth and demographic changes will seriously accelerate the challenges we face in the universal access to health and healthcare around the world. To counter balance this situation, governments around the globe are expected to increase the expenditure in health care system reaching about 13% of the GDP in OECD countries by 2050.
The Mediterranean region has been seriously hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and its health systems have proven to be insufficiently prepared to articulate an effective and coordinated response. After the most intense months of the emergency, health systems are beginning to recover but with significant consequences.
The COVID epidemic is having a major impact on all global health systems and the Euro-Mediterranean region cannot escape this situation.
On the one hand, the countries on the northern shore have put maximum stress on both public health structures and care areas, devoting maximum efforts to dealing with the pandemic and vaccination, subjecting professionals to unprecedented stress, not to mention the economic and other consequences of this pandemic. On the southern shore, in the MENA countries, the situation, which varies greatly from country to country, is having serious consequences on health systems, in many cases with very precarious situations in the pre-pandemic situation.
Countries in Europe and the Mediterranean are facing common challenges related to healthcare. In fact, one of the most pressing issues is how build and put in place a sustainable and resilient health system in each of the countries that compose the Mediterranean region.
The forum will address the situation created by the pandemic, its consequences and the ways forward for health systems. In this line, the need of undertaking serious reforms in the Mediterranean health systems as well as in the type of needed infrastructures, the deepening of public-private partnerships, the role of the Health insurance industry and the reflection on the possibilities offered by new technologies in the Healthcare sector, are key issues.
With this aim, the 2nd edition of the Mediterranean Healthcare Forum brings together key stakeholders from the healthcare sector to facilitate and boost the continuous improvement of this industry in the region.
18th November 2021
12:00 – 13:30

Mediterranean Healthcare Forum
Transforming Mediterranean Health and Care Together: From Vision to Reality

Key points for discussion:
- Integrated Healthcare systems in the Mediterranean region: The role of the private sector & Ministries of Health’s considerations and reflections
- Driving Innovation: Disruption, Co-Innovation and New Business Models
- Extending Health and Healthcare Beyond the Hospital’s Walls: from preventing to wellness care
- What are the pillars of resilient and sustainable healthcare systems?
- Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Leveraging Digital Health to Predict, Prevent and Manage Future Crises
Enric Mayolas | Director of consulting, World Health Management

Session 1 – The impact of the pandemic on the Mediterranean Health systems
This session will analyse and reflect on the possible reforms and transformation of the Mediterranean Health systems from the institutional perspective.
Furthermore, it will explore the increasing participation of the private sector in the Mediterranean Health systems, the advantages of public-private partnerships for the development of the sector and the opportunities for expansion of the Healthcare insurance industry.
Kaouthar Lbiati | (MD, MSc), Vice President Corporate Strategy & Development (USA)
Amir Bozorgzadeh | CEO Founder, Virtuleap
Marja Huiskamp|Chief Communication Officer, Barcelona Health Hub
Sergio Irayzoz |Business Development Director, Mediktor

Panel – Will Technologies Save Healthcare?
The digital transformation of health has largely been portrayed as a technology-driven process where people merely have to adapt to a new normal. It sometimes appears as if these digital technologies would come per se with a new way of doing things. During this panel, we will learn more about the strategic and regional vision of main telecom companies and their role in the digital transformation and modernization of the Health systems.

Session 2 – Mediterranean Healthcare Infrastructure
In this Panel, the panellists will explore the trends and strategies from design, master planning of healthcare infrastructure and discuss about the type of infrastructures needed by the Health systems in the Mediterranean region.

Key points for discussion:
- Hospital build & design, projects and operations
- Is there any structural concept for the Mediterranean Health?
- Healthcare investment in the Mediterranean countries focused on operational planning
- Hospitals and their role in the health service system
- The importance of early partnerships between all actors: private & public
Albert Pineda | Architect, PINEARQ
Claude Roland | Director, Healthcare Department, France & Europe Bouygues Construction

Join us at the Mediterranean Healthcare Forum and get to know the new trends,
find inspiration, and most importantly: do great business!