Barcelona, 14th of November 2019 – MedaWeek Barcelona 2019, the ‘Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders’, will place climate change in the centre of attention of the economies of the region on the 23rd of November during the 8th edition of the ‘EcoMeda Sustainability Summit’. A meeting in which potential measures to face the rising temperatures and rising sea levels will be discussed.

 The Mediterranean Sea, a global strategic point for environmental balance, international maritime transport and tourism, is today one of the regions that suffers the most from the negative consequences of climate change. That is precisely why the transformation of the Mediterranean economy into a green system is today more necessary than ever.

The issue of climate change has become in recent years a priority for governments, businesses and citizens, whose policies and actions are focusing more and more on sustainability. In the case of the Mediterranean region, green economy represents an incalculable potential in terms of employment generation, technological innovation and competitiveness. A pressing issue that will be addressed in one of the two forums that make up the ‘EcoMeda Sustainability Summit’ in the framework of the 13th edition of ‘MedaWeek Barcelona’: theMediterranean Solar & Wind Energy Forum’ (co-organised by OME).

Although the Mediterranean has one of the largest reserves of oil and gas, the region must move towards self-sufficiency based on renewable energies. In case of an economic crisis, or in the event of fluctuations in oil prices, green raw materials are positioned as a stable alternative to hydrocarbon reserves. With considerable energy potential, with an exemplary hydroelectric system, multiple wind resources and around 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, the Mediterranean region could cover its own energy needs and a high percentage of those in other areas.

The general coordinator of ASCAME, Anwar Zibaoui, assures that “renewable energies can totally change the rules of the game in the Mediterranean and lead to a revolution in its development while creating wealth and contributing to the common good by strengthening the social fabric, always respecting human dignity and nature.” Only in this region “more than 100 billion euros will be invested in renewable energy projects in the coming years”, he adds.

The annual increase in average temperature in the region is expected to go from 2.2 degrees to 5.1 by 2100. Reason enough for the countries of both shores of the Mediterranean to bet on solar energy, which is currently underutilised, and launch large-scale projects that produce a true solar revolution.

The vital role played by Mediterranean cities in this sustainability process should not be underestimated; the good state of the economy is evidenced in the health and productivity of cities. These contribute with between 50 and 80% of the GDP of the countries in the area, so promoting sustainable urban development that guarantees a better quality of life is another of the strategic pillars for regional economic growth. Something that will be discussed during the ‘Mediterranean Cities Forum’ (‘MedaCities Forum’, organised by Medcities).

‘MedaWeek Barcelona 2019’ is organised by ASCAME, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and Consorci de la Zona Franca. A platform for business cooperation that aspires to achieve a healthier, cleaner and more equal Mediterranean, that breaks old approaches and builds new relationships between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

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