Barcelona, Nov 2 – The Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (MedaWeek), which will be held from November 21 to 23 in Barcelona, will host the third Mediterranean Hotel Forum in which the opportunities of the establishments in the area and issues such as security and hotel standardization in the region will be analyzed.
Under the theme “Towards sustainability in Mediterranean hotels”, the forum, which will be held on November 23, aims to promote cooperation to consolidate the Mediterranean’s tourism leadership and will also serve to analyze the key aspects for the development of this sector, as the sustainable development in these establishments.
This forum will also discuss one of the great needs of the hotel and restaurant sector, such as the challenge of training and professional development of young people, since one in ten jobs created worldwide in the year 2017 took place within the tourism sector.
The main representatives, entrepreneurs and scholars of the hotel sector of several Mediterranean countries will talk about the investment opportunities and aspirations of the Mediterranean hotels, which represent 20% of the world hotel capacity, with more than 100,000 hotels and a million restaurants.
The Mediterranean has become one of the main world tourist destinations with a forecast of 420 million tourists by the year 2020.
Among the top 10 world tourist destinations by volume of tourist arrivals in 2017, there were four Mediterranean countries, France, Spain, Italy and Turkey, which registered a total of 264,6 million tourists.
In addition, last year, with the improvement of tourism in Egypt, Morocco and the strong increase in tourist arrivals in Tunisia, the southern Mediterranean Europe region and North Africa registered a 30% market share worldwide.