There will be no progress in the Mediterranean without the joint construction of a partnership based on equal opportunities, which guarantees the full participation of women in the economic and business development in the region.

Barcelona, 31 November 2017 – The IX edition of the Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum will take place next November 24 in the Llotja de Mar – Barcelona.

The Forum is organized by the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Barcelona, together with the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME) and several Mediterranean actors such as the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) This event is co-funded by the European Commission and Cámara de España.

As each year the Forum will bring together women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from both shores of the Mediterranean with the aim of establishing business relationships, sharing good practices and analysing the role of women in the economic development of the region.

This year, the Forum focuses on women leaders in Business Institutional Relations, the point of view of many Presidents of Mediterranean Businesswomen Organizations and the promotion of several regional programs to position women in economic decision-making positions.

There will be a specific session on women entrepreneurship as a tool for job creation, during which the main results of AFAEMME’s project “Young Women as Job Creators” approved by the Union for the Mediterranean will be explained. In this session, it will be explained to the public how the program has contributed to the economic empowerment of young women from the region.

However, the Forum will not only focus on entrepreneurship, but will also offer, as in each of its editions, the views of the AFAEMME Member Associations (Very successful women entrepreneurs) about of the situation of women’s enterprises in the region.

The IX Mediterranean Forum of Women Entrepreneurs and the side events with the Union for the Mediterranean and UNIDO will conclude the afternoon of the 24th with the General Assembly of AFAEMME (only members).

More information about the organizers: